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Hublot Replica Watches has appointed Alex Caizergues as its new brand ambassador to cement their relationship with the sea, and those who are masters of it. The KiteSpeed World Champion, and current world record holder for the sport, spoke with Revolution about his Southern French heritage, his love of competition on the water, and his connection with the sea-worthy brand.

What made you want to learn kitesurfing and how did you do it?

When I was a child, my father used to windsurf a lot. In 1999, he was among the first in France to take up kitesurfing. In 2002 I also got into kitesurfing and fell in love with it. It was in my final year of college, when I was studying marketing, that I fell in love. We live in Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhone, an area where there is a lot of wind so I had lots of opportunity to practise and I was instantly hooked.Hublot Replica Watches In 2005 I was able to compete at a good level. In the following year, I came in second at the KiteSpeed World Championships. The next year I won the championships. Then I started to go for world records and I now have four kitesurfing championships.

What records do you have?

I hold four kitesurfing world speed records, and two in the "Absolute", or any device that is not powered by a motor on water.Rolex Skydweller Replica Watches Today, I hold the kitesurfing world record and am the second fastest in the Absolute category of world speed sailing records. Only a boat is ahead of me.

What is your secret to breaking these records?

We try to push forward the technology and materials we use. We work together on these three aspects -- the sails and the board, as well as the physical performance.

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